Site MapThis is our site map where you may find all pages listed in one location along with a brief description.
General Information -About Us - Includes some general information about the Benefit Plans -Contact Us - Contact information for the Benefit Plans, our field staff, and other associated agencies -FAQ - Commonly asked questions -Forms - A listing of all forms available through the Benefit Plans, the majority are available for download -Memos to Ports Archive - Memos to Ports going back to 2005 Welfare -About Your Benefits - Includes some general information about the ILWU-PMA Welfare Plan -Coastwise Indemnity Plan Appeals - Information on the appeal process provided by the Coastwise Indemnity Plan -Find a Provider - Compiled links to provider search websites -Terminated Providers - An up-to-date list of providers whose services will not be reimbursed through the ILWU-PMA Welfare Plan -Welfare Benefits -Alcohol and Drug Recovery - Information on accessing Alcohol and Drug Recovery benefits -Chiropractic Plans - Information on accessing Chiropractic benefits -Dental Benefits - Information on accessing Dental benefits -Medicare Information - Information in integrating Medicare and Welfare benefits -Prescription Drug - Information on Prescription Drug benefits -Welfare Plan Literature - A listing of Welfare Plan benefit descriptions, most are available for download Pension -About Your Pension Benefits - Includes general information about the ILWU-PMA Pension Plan -Direct Deposit - How to arrange direct deposit of your monthly Pension benefit -Pension Plan Literature - The Summary Plan Description for the ILWU-PMA Pension Plan |